Deep Coat’s core competencies lie in the areas of vacuum metalization, masking and tooling development, and thermoforming inserts for metalization.

Utilizing a precise vacuum metalizing process, we create housings, inserts, and covers for various EMI shielding applications. Our electromagnetic shielding products protect your equipment and ensure smooth and interference-free operations. We offer our services across the United States as well as to those in Europe and Asia. Each of our electromagnetic shielding products—including EMI shielding, vacuum metalization, custom-developed masking, and thermoforming—is explained in the various sections below. We are available for consultations and to answer any questions you might have. Contact us at 630-541-8460, and let us know how we can help you, your staff, and your organization.

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35+ Years of EMI/RFI shielding

EMI Shielding

Deep Coat provides a wide range of EMI shielding from a variety of metal coatings.

Deep Coat provides custom EMI reduction solutions via our coating’s reflection, absorption, and grounded Faraday cage capabilities.

What’s the purpose of EMI Shielding? The overall goal is either to isolate a product from EMI generated by outside influences or protect the environment from EMI generated by a product. For example, in the Medical industry, EMI shielding around an MRI machine would protect against generated EMI otherwise capable of destroying other sensitive electrical pieces of equipment. However, in the Military industry, it may protect a piece of equipment from jamming or an EMP. Deep Coat’s current customers exist in many different environments that require EMI shielding, which has given us the expertise required to effectively shield a wide range of products and applications.

View EMI Shielding Here
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7 metals available for coating

Vacuum Metalization

Deep Coat has six vacuum chambers available for coating products, three Quad-Fire (up to four different metal layers per vacuum draw) and three Dual-Fire (up to two different metal layers). The company was founded on the back of the patented Quad-Fire process, which allows us to provide multiple shielding capabilities in one efficient vacuum process. We can provide an array of common metals in the same batch, within the boundaries set by galvanic corrosion, while avoiding the opportunity for oxidation between metal layers.

View available metals here

View our process here
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3D printed sample masking
for fast turnaround

Custom Developed Masking

We have engineers on hand to custom mold masking to get the perfect fit for your product

Deep Coat is staffed with engineers trained in custom masking solutions to get the perfect fit for your product. Their work ensures your product gets the metal coverage it needs while minimizing voids and over-coating. In addition to our development capabilities, we have in-house 3D printing and third-party relationships to ensure appropriate masking detail is applied to your product.

Custom Developed Masking
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In-house thermoforming capabilities


Deep Coat also produces thermoformed plastics to craft single or double-sided EMI shields. We have on-premise thermo-forming equipment and relationships with third-party thermo-forming vendors for additional throughput on high volume product lines.


Let’s Get Started

Connect with one of our team members today to learn more.

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